I wanted to make a quick news post for the homies that are anticipating the release of the next episode. To be fully transparent, the groundwork is done for the episode but no animation has even been keyframed. I have not lost interest in making episodes, in fact I have been working on Corvid Kid non stop in the background.
There is a lot of work being put into Corvid Kid that is not episode development, rather a lot of story work that I have been taking very seriously. I have also been putting work into a few short Corvid Kid comics that I have been making instead of a full on episode as it can be more easily allotted into my schedule in-between all the school shit I have to balance. I am having fun doing little comic shorts as they take less time to make and will be released sometime this month.
School is a big drain on my energy and it takes a lot out of me, making it hard for me to want to animate considering I do a lot of it. I'm making a lot of excuses, I know. However, trust that there is a lot of work being put into Corvid Kid that goes unseen, so bear with me here!